Eiffel Tower
Showing all 13 results
Paris International Exposition of Arts and Technics poster, E. Baudoin & M. Lods – 1937
Antique sewing pin cushion Eiffel Tower – Paris Universal Exposition of 1889 Stanhope souvenir
Unknown woman posing near the Eiffel Tower – 1928
Eiffel Tower blue brooch – Circa 1930
Broche rosace et Tour Eiffel sur nacre – Circa 1900
Eiffel Tower souvenir ring – 1953
The Eiffel Tower at all costs – 1957
Le Petit Journal Illustré 22 novembre 1925 – Will we see Paris be destroyed in 1926 ?
Eiffel Tower line, sure sign of spring – S. Tavoularis, 1953
Eiffel Tower pendant, metal and mother of pearl – Circa 1930
Eiffel Tower golden ring – 1951
Powder compact with mirror, souvenir of the Paris World’s Fair – 1889
The first time i saw Paris – P. Miller Ca 1956, Offset 1990